Monday, February 8, 2010

Anthony Hargrove a story about the dangers of fame

Money isn't everything they say. Well, I'd like to submit this to you in a different way. Saying that money isn't everything, may be making dangerously light of the situation. Money is something. Money is a powerful thing that most often times causes the underlying issues that we all have buried, to surface.
Money often times, throws fuel on the fire of doubt, depression, loneliness, and all manner of emotions, which we tend to bury. These buried emotions are as embers waiting for the fuel needed to ignite.
Money starts the fire roaring out of control and unfortunately it often takes hitting the bottom to realize what's happening. It seems that we aren't wired to seek God until we've hit bottom.
This is a great example of that and what can happen once you seek him.
Anthony Hargrove went on to play for the Saints and after last night we all know how that story goes !! The Saints won their first superbowl !! Check out this video... and learn from the trials of others.

Click the link Above for the Video !!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ammonia Beef

I know what you must be thinking, "how can Ammonia Beef, be optimistic?"

Well, let me explain. The U.S.D.A approved a method for "cleaning" up ground beef that would otherwise be waste or at best be used in pet food. This is horrible news. They take the ammonia filled meat and add it back to the good meat and it's sold to the big fast food chains and grocery chains. The U.S.D.A was so convinced in this method that they lifted the need to check it for salmonella and other deadly bacteria. The company that produces it has found at least two 27,000 pound batches stricken with the bacteria and stopped shipment of it and that's just the ones they told us about.

I'm writing this post for two very important reasons. One is to inform you of this horrible thing that is going on and two is to show you that we can find a half full glass even in this.

This news makes it rather easy to avoid ground beef and when you think about it, how healthy is GROUND beef anyway ?

What I mean by that is, the typical ways that we cook and prepare ground beef are as a general rule not very good for you. Burgers are loaded in grease and fat. Meat loaf can't be thought of as health food, (even if it is a family tradition) and even spaghetti isn't the best choice for our health.

Much of the ground beef effected by this would probably be best if left alone anyway, so lets just leave it alone. I for one have no desire to eat any ground beef since hearing this news and if I have to have a Burger I can always buy my ground beef from a local butcher, less the Ammonia.

This is great news, I otherwise could have been powerless to stop the "Value Meal" !!