Saturday, December 19, 2009

An optomistic conversation between my Children and their Uncle Joseph

THIS IS WHERE THE CONVERSATION BEGINS WITH ARIANA AND LAUREN.. ARIANA IS 7 AND LAUREN IS 6 AND THIS IS THE CONVERSATION THAT Their Uncle Joe had with them, via chat. The kids did all their own typing with no help. They struggled with the word Christmas but, then quickly retrieved their Nativity story book from the shelf and found the word they needed.Uncle Joe has been sick and so you'll notice their refrences to that. Optimism through, THE EYES OF OUR LITTLE ONES............ Our Christian little ones, whom we are very proud of.

Lauren and Ariana- howare you feeling

Joseph- Still sick

Lauren and Ariana- i love you im so sorry

Joseph- it's Ok.. I'll get better..

Lauren and Ariana-we all love you

Joseph- Well I love all of you too.. Ya'll enjoy ya'lls selves babies.. Uncle Paran (nickname for God father) Loves all of you..

Lauren and Ariana- well god will help you feel better real soon.

Joseph- I know my little one... Just pray for me and all of us.. We love you aunt misty and all the kids as well..

Lauren and Ariana- will pray for you

Joseph- Thank you my little ANGEL

Lauren and Ariana- merry christmas

Joseph- Merry Chrismas to you too..

Lauren and Ariana- good night

Joseph- You know that Baby Jesus was being prepared to be born this time 2009 years ago?\

Lauren and Ariana- awesome

Joseph- his mother and Joseph were set out on a Donkey looking for a place to stay to have the baby Jesus.. his mother Mary

Lauren and Ariana- mary really loved him

Joseph- yes she sure did.. He was her Gift From God To The World.. to you and me the same Do you know why we celebrate Christmas??

Lauren and Ariana- no room atthe inn but in his heart was the love for the world god not santa clause

Joseph- God is the reason for all things Baby.. But the Reason that we Celebrate Christmas Is that Jesus Birth Into the world was God's reincarnation of himself in the flesh of one of us.. His power and his might in a baby to be born In Bethlehem.. He is the reason we celebrate Christmas Cause without Christ, there is no CHRISTmas. There would be no love like we know today

Lauren and Ariana- in jesuses heart he loved everyone

Joseph Yes he sure did.. And he still does today too

Lauren and Ariana- in his heart

Joseph- and in his spirit which dwells with in each of us..

Lauren and Ariana- we are his heart right

Joseph- You know the feeling you get when you pray and you feel something but don't know what it is? That's the Spirit of Christ In you letting you know that he hears you.. Yes You are right WE are his heart.

Joseph- I love you girls with all my heart and Love to see that ya'll are growing in Christ so Beautifully.. I pray for you both to Grow into the Already beautiful Girls you are and Continue to Follow Christ No matter what the World Throws in your way. Never give up On Him Cause I promise you He'll Never Give up on you..

Lauren and Ariana- i love you bye daddy has to go to work wat

Joseph ok.. well tell daddy that Uncle Joe Loves him and Prays for him to have a good night and that he hopes he don't have to work to hard

Lauren and Ariana- i have to tell you god will make you feel better to

Joseph I know. He is working on it.. Not in our time but in his time.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Finding Optimism

Finding optimism in difficult situations can be, very difficult. Our little happy home was recently become rather busy with taking care of my step-mother. She was diagnosed with cancer of the lungs that has spread into her lymph nodes, adrenal glands and brain. Her cancer is at a stage four making the prognosis grim.
Optimism has been difficult to find as our normal happy life during the holidays has been tossed about like the S.S. Minnow on a three hour tour. We are learning to go with the flow though and take it one day at a time.
On one of the trips to the cancer center, as I sat in the waiting room watching Andy Griffith, (seems to always be on there), I over heard a lady talking with the nurse.
The nurse tells her that they were going to start doing chemo twice a day for three weeks and she'd have to stay in the waiting room six hours between sessions.
WOW !!! It could always be worse. Once a day doesn't seem so bad now.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Writers Group

Tonight was our monthly writer's group meeting and as usual it was great. There is something very uplifting about getting together with kindred spirits. Even if much of the talk strays far from writing. We laugh until we cry and enjoy lots of great conversation.
I know that everyone doesn't write, but I highly recommend finding or founding some sort of group that aligns with your interests. I believe this type of gathering is sadly a dying one and we are all suffering for it.
As humans, we crave interaction with other humans, it's why villages form and grow to towns and cities and so on. We desire interaction and benefit greatly from it.
The days of old are fading and gone with them are the bowling leagues, softball leagues, and roller skating rinks. All these things were used as social activities to benefit our souls. Sure Facebook is great, but Face to Face can't be replaced.
So try it out. Create a group or find one in your area and enjoy time spent with people who enjoy the same things that you enjoy. Your spirits will be lifted !!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Once Monthly Board Game Night

We have been getting together with friends for a game night and are going to try to keep up this once monthly pace. This is a great way to lift your spirits from the gloom that often times surrounds our daily grind. So far we have played several really good games and spent much time laughing. I think laughter really is the best medicine.

Games involving scharades are great for laughter and we have had lots of fun with trivia games as well, but even a plain old card game can certainly help to lift your spirits. So try to get one of these nights going if you can, it's great therapy for the soul.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving !!

Today is perhaps the most optimistic day of the year. It's Thanksgiving !
The day that we say, "we are so blessed."
The day that we say "it could be a lot worse."
The day that we enjoy our optimism.
Everyone knows the story of the pilgrims. They had a rough time and in the end it worked out and they were thankful.
This is our day to realize that when we step back and look at our lives, it's all working out.
Sure, there are things we don't like.
There are certain aspects we'd change, but in all, it's good.
Sometimes our families can aggravate us. But, we wouldn't trade them for the world. Sometimes life can aggravate us but, we're alive, we're healthy, and we're Thankful !
Have a Great Thanksgiving !!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Things I've learned from my Wife

The list of things I have learned from my wife, would be endless, so I am going to try to just post some of them here. I am one who believes that some good can be found in the worst people. You can learn something from your enemies and every cloud has a silver lining. This being said, we should be able to learn loads of important things from our life partner, soul mate and best friend. Here are some of the things I've learned from my amazing wife.

Be Free

My wife is the most free spirited person I have ever met. She just simply will not be held down by the stresses of life that bother the rest of us. She awakes with a smile and dances through her day. Schedules always take a back seat to enjoying her family and just being free.

Be Child Like without being childish

My lovely wife has a child like outlook on things. My Wife never lets the future interrupt the enjoyment she is having now. She looks at the big picture with a child like sense of wanderlust and finds the good no matter the bad. She finds no bad in people and enters into every friendship fully trusting and genuinely believing that people are good ! She never fears a broken heart and plunges into every category of love in the same way..... with her whole heart !

Beauty is NOT skin deep

Beauty begins in a kind, loving heart and radiates outwardly until it encompasses all that are touched by it. My wife is the most beautiful woman, I have ever seen and it's not just her outward beauty that I refer to. On her worst day, her kind loving heart shines through. Outwardly she is stunning but, it's her beautiful spirit that will keep her beautiful forever. For to know her is to Love her !

Forget about social class or anything else that hinders loving people

My wife doesn't see any difference in the rich or the poor, she only sees people. She will treat you as a friend whether she's known you for years or just met you. To her whether your rich or poor, you will be treated as family.

Understand that people are important and should be remembered

My wife remembers the names of everybody she meets and if you give her time she will memorize your birthday and anniversary too. Is it because she has a great memory and is just uncanny in the memory department ? No ! It's because to her, you are important enough to remember.

I'll stop this one here for now. But, walk away with this.... try to learn from those around you and Love ! That's right, just Love ! Love people, Love situations, and Love life !

Monday, November 9, 2009

Food Blogging

Great News, I have a new blog writing job. I am now a food blogger for !
Hub City Life is a community site, providing,.... well.... Community !
It's all about Hattiesburg, Ms and surrounding areas and it's a place where your feed back is welcome. As feed back is left the site will be in an ever changing cycle of providing what the Community wants.
Hub City Life provides information on local restaurants like menus and directions. You can check on reservation requirements and access the phone number to call and make them. A picture of the restaurant is provided and coming along, one restaurant at a time through a great staff of food bloggers, "which includes yours truly", we will be providing reviews on area restaurants.
These informative reviews, will hopefully help you to decide where to spend that special evening. As you browse the huge variety of dining establishments, the pine belt has to offer. Whether your planning lunch or diner and a movie, Hub City Life is the place to be and the Great News, is I get to be a part of it.
Local theaters are listed and current movies and showtimes are just a click away. You can also check reviews from other Hub City Lifers and get a better idea of how it's doing locally. As if this weren't enough we also provide trailers to the movies to help your decision along. All in all this is a great web site and while still in the Beta stage it already rocks.
Speaking of rock, coming soon to Hub City Life is a section on the local night life scene. Featuring area bands and other attractions. That's right, pretty soon at Hub City Life, you'll be able to plan all of your Hattiesburg area fun.
Setting up an account is easy and is very similar to facebook and will even link directly to facebook, importing your information right over. This is a great feature that eliminates the lengthy application process of most sites. If you haven't visited yet, you should check it out and while your there you can read my blog !!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Optimism from a Clint Eastwood kind of perspective.

I haven't been sick in a while, but now it has happened. I have gotten some sort of sore throat upper respiratory thing going on. It hasn't left me feeling too bad, but I can scarcely talk on account of it. As I sat at my computer wondering what my next blog should be and trying to convince myself that being "sick" was not a good reason to not blog, it hit me.

Maybe it was the raspy voice that I have now, I'm not sure, but I decided that it was about time to look at our optimistic journey from a more take charge kind of source. I decided Clint Eastwood would be a fine start. I don't really mean just his characters in movies though, although they sure were no nonsense take charge kind of guys. I may expand into some other action stars in the future as well so stay tuned.

I don't believe in pessimism. If something doesn't come up the way you want, forge ahead. If you think it's going to rain, it will. Clint Eastwood

I really think about this one a lot. The more I think about this, the more I realize it's truth. Not that I'm incredibly successful, or never a pessimist. It's just that I look around and notice that everyone who is a success seems to have dove in without a negative thought in their heads. The idea of failure never crossed their minds and the things most of us call failure seems to be a mere bump in the road to them. This is the kind of take charge never give up attitude we need to develop. You can do it. Doing it is not the question, it's "HOW" ?

I've never met a genius. A genius to me is someone who does well at something he hates. Anybody can do well at something he loves - it's just a question of finding the subject.

Clint Eastwood

Here you have the same kind of thing, it's not can you succeed. It's how and doing what ??

If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster.

Clint Eastwood

Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that's real power.

Clint Eastwood

Sometimes if you want to see a change for the better, you have to take things into your own hands. Clint Eastwood

These are just a few and I'm sure there are plenty of other good ones out there. Just remember you CAN do it. Don't give up on your dreams take charge with a positive attitude and unwavering resolve. Then just decide how ?

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Good News

The good news for today.......
Where do I begin ? I had the day off, and awoke to a fire roaring in the fireplace. I immediately crawled onto the couch and cuddled with my wonderful wife. We reminisced of days gone by. We talked about times in the early days of our relationship when we had enjoyed, great time in each others arms. We watched our kids play and enjoyed the morning.
The fire warmed the house from the inside as the sun was busy warming it from the outside and pretty soon the house was warm enough to begin our day. We just mostly enjoyed each others company and did some school with the kids all morning. We are really pushing the reading area right now. They have been working hard on phonics and now we've reached a place where some serious application is in order. This said, the kids spent most of their morning taking turns reading Amelia Bedelia to Mommy and Daddy. "They are getting pretty good at it too."
When the time came we got ready and headed to town. Not the tiny one that we live in, but to the big city miles away. Our day finished late and as you can see mine still isn't complete.
I usually don't blog much about my personal stuff, but this is an exception. Today was great and my day was great enough for you to be happy too. That's a joke, but seriously it was a great day.
Today I thought I'd post some headlines from different news sources and what is good about them. So here it goes.......
Woman calls 911 to report herself as drunk driver
This is actually a great story. They kind of jam it in there on most news sites as just another sad or strange headline, but if you'll take a breath and think about the implications here, I'm sure you'll see the good. It's not often that this kind of thing happens. Let's face it, when you've had to many to drink, you become ten feet tall and bullet proof and driving doesn't seem like a bad idea. So the fact that this lady pulled it together enough to realize she didn't need to be behind the wheel is a miracle. Especially at a whopping two times the limit..... She managed to phone the police while driving and tell them she was drunk and she did this without having an accident. WOW !!
The only bad news here is they charged her anyway. Way to encourage this kind of behaviour. The rest of this story is a big thumbs up.
Saints stay perfect with 35-27 win over Falcons
Sports fan or not you have got to admit we all enjoy rooting for the under dog and the New Orleans Saints have always been the under dog. They are the closest thing to a pro team many of us southerners have. From Louisiana to Mississippi across to Alabama lots of southerners consider the saints their team. Even the ones like me who never follows football. So to see these guys remain undefeated is good news, even if you aren't a fan. Maybe they will make it to the Super Bowl this year, without buying tickets. After Katrina ravaged New Orleans several years ago leading to the city ongoing recovery, a win like that would sure be great news for New Orleans and those of us who like to see the good guys finish first.
82 healthy sea turtles hatch at San Diego SeaWorld
Great news !!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Inspiration from Dr. Suess

Dr. Suess,

Ah the things that we have all learned from the great Dr. Suess. As children we read his amazing books. They were funny. They were well versed and flowed off our tongues and into our ears. The whimsical ideas and thoughts produced, stayed with us and shaped the adults that we have become. Yet, when we become adults we start to think that we can no longer benefit from childish things. I think this is wrong. I know that if we still look at things with a childlike faith and sense of wonder we can have adventures unimaginable. That being said, here is some inspiration from the Doctor who can heal this virus called being an adult..... Dr. Suess !!

A person's a person, no matter how small.-- Dr. Seuss

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.-- Dr. Seuss

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.-- Dr. Seuss

I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, And that enables you to laugh at life's realities.-- Dr. Seuss

Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.-- Dr. Seuss

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.-- Dr. Seuss

Dr. Suess was rejected 27 times before his children's books were accepted by editors. This is the kind of persistence that we should all have. If you believe in your vision and stick with it you can make it work.

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go..." — Dr. Seuss

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not." Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The glass

"A wise woman (my Wife),once said "stop worrying about the glass being half full or half empty and just get up and get some more kool-aid !" Now that's optimistic. Just get up and fill your glass. Sometimes we spend too much time thinking positive and not enough time doing positive things. If you are content with half a glass then ponder on it. But if you want a full glass, you have to get up and fill it !!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Wisdom from Alice in Wonderland

Here are a few quotes from Lewis Carol's, Alice in Wonderland. I know that we have all either read this book or seen the cartoon, but if you look at the deeper life application here, I think you'll find it quite brilliant.

The Duchess: Tut, tut, child! Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it.

Alice: I wonder if I've been changed in the night? Let me think. Was I the same when I got up this morning? I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. But if I'm not the same, the next question is 'Who in the world am I?' Ah, that's the great puzzle!

The King: Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.

Alice: But then, shall I never get any older than I am now? That'll be a comfort, one way -- never to be an old woman -- but then -- always to have lessons to learn!

Alice: It would be so nice if something made sense for a change.

Doorknob: Read the directions and directly you will be directed in the right direction.

Monday, October 26, 2009

“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”

Helen Keller, was the first deaf and blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.

She over came great challenges to become a successful author, lecturer and an inspiration even all these years later !

Good News !!

The good news is I am starting a new blog. Well, that's the good news, so far. The idea is to have a blog with less depth than other blogs. Less depth than MY other blog. This will be a blog of short uplifting posts. Maybe quotes from famous people. Maybe some jokes. Maybe just a piece of good news. I hope to also look at current events in a more positive way. It's a simple idea I had, to provide something uplifting for everyone, but especially those who aren't big readers. This will be your one stop, for something to raise your spirits. Somewhere to go, when you need a laugh or a smile. Hopefully I'll post things often, maybe even everyday, if I get the followers. I hope you will enjoy !!