The good news for today.......
Where do I begin ? I had the day off, and awoke to a fire roaring in the fireplace. I immediately crawled onto the couch and cuddled with my wonderful wife. We reminisced of days gone by. We talked about times in the early days of our relationship when we had enjoyed, great time in each others arms. We watched our kids play and enjoyed the morning.
The fire warmed the house from the inside as the sun was busy warming it from the outside and pretty soon the house was warm enough to begin our day. We just mostly enjoyed each others company and did some school with the kids all morning. We are really pushing the reading area right now. They have been working hard on phonics and now we've reached a place where some serious application is in order. This said, the kids spent most of their morning taking turns reading Amelia Bedelia to Mommy and Daddy. "They are getting pretty good at it too."
When the time came we got ready and headed to town. Not the tiny one that we live in, but to the big city miles away. Our day finished late and as you can see mine still isn't complete.
I usually don't blog much about my personal stuff, but this is an exception. Today was great and my day was great enough for you to be happy too. That's a joke, but seriously it was a great day.
Today I thought I'd post some headlines from different news sources and what is good about them. So here it goes.......
Woman calls 911 to report herself as drunk driver
This is actually a great story. They kind of jam it in there on most news sites as just another sad or strange headline, but if you'll take a breath and think about the implications here, I'm sure you'll see the good. It's not often that this kind of thing happens. Let's face it, when you've had to many to drink, you become ten feet tall and bullet proof and driving doesn't seem like a bad idea. So the fact that this lady pulled it together enough to realize she didn't need to be behind the wheel is a miracle. Especially at a whopping two times the limit..... She managed to phone the police while driving and tell them she was drunk and she did this without having an accident. WOW !!
The only bad news here is they charged her anyway. Way to encourage this kind of behaviour. The rest of this story is a big thumbs up.
Saints stay perfect with 35-27 win over Falcons
Sports fan or not you have got to admit we all enjoy rooting for the under dog and the New Orleans Saints have always been the under dog. They are the closest thing to a pro team many of us southerners have. From Louisiana to Mississippi across to Alabama lots of southerners consider the saints their team. Even the ones like me who never follows football. So to see these guys remain undefeated is good news, even if you aren't a fan. Maybe they will make it to the Super Bowl this year, without buying tickets. After Katrina ravaged New Orleans several years ago leading to the city ongoing recovery, a win like that would sure be great news for New Orleans and those of us who like to see the good guys finish first.
82 healthy sea turtles hatch at San Diego SeaWorld
Great news !!